The Messenger – February 2018

The Messenger – February 2018

February 2018 Messenger
February 2018 Messenger

PJ’s Page –

The congregation recently received a lovely thank you note and drawing from one of the second grade classes who participated in dance classes through Pacific Northwest Ballet here in our building last November. The class had drawn pictures of themselves and written a sweet message of thanks. It included this line:
We always felt included, happy, proud, and calm when we were dancing.
I am going to pointedly tell you that THIS is an excellent example of good stewardship. Our building was utilized in a way that made the children who are our dearest neighbors feel included, happy, proud, and calm. There is NO higher purpose for a facility than that.
When we gather for worship, I hope that we feel something like that. I particularly hope that we feel included. Worship is not a spectator event…it is participatory. Liturgy is defined as “the work of the people.” It is not only the job of the worship leaders. We are ALL worshiping God.
The current configuration of seating was designed to express this truth. That we are all included. It is more intimate, with people looking at one another as the Body of Christ, through the Body of Christ as the elements await us at the Table. We’ve all had to figure details out….How do we collect the offering? From where do we distribute communion? Which candles will we light? Those are small details, though, when compared with the feeling of belonging and intimacy you have spoken of to me as we’ve reflected on worship in this configuration.
The seating arrangement will change, probably seasonally, and occasionally for special services. We will ask for your feedback along the way: What did you like? What didn’t work as well? And remember, there are a number of to scale diagrams with moveable pieces out there among the folks who participated in the workshops leading up to this. One is in the office, too. Come and feel free to play around with imagining a new configuration.
The thank you note from Mrs. Battle’s class also reminded me that it is hard to feel included, happy, proud, and calm when you are without a home. When I look out at the construction, I imagine those families. I try to picture in my mind’s eye what it must be like for them today. Are they sleeping in their car? In a shelter? At a friend’s house? Are they safe? Certainly, I can’t imagine that they feel included, happy, proud, and calm.
Imagine, then, how it will be when they move into their new homes. A place where they ARE safe, where they have services to support their needs. Imagine what it will be like for those parents to be able to have their children so close to their school! Then, I believe they will feel included, happy, proud, and calm.
There’s a lot of change happening at once, including our new worship configuration. It can feel unsettling. I understand. And I want you to hear me say with sincerity that my door is open. I want to hear what’s on your mind and heart. The good and the hard. And dear ones, may this be a place where all are welcome and where all feel included, happy, proud, and calm.
Pastor Julie+