The Messenger – March 2017

The Messenger – March 2017

Pages from LMLC Messenger March 2017
March 2017 Messenger

PJ’s Page –

In our yard there is a blackberry bush, planted in a barrel, I suppose to contain it’s ambitious rambling.  Throughout this winter season, it has been fairly well behaved, keeping largely to its assigned spot.  However, as the first signs of spring have begun to (literally) sprout, this blackberry bush has also decided to venture out into the yard.  When I walk past it, it snags me with its thorns, calling attention to itself.

This has been frustrating to me, so yesterday when I untangled it’s prickliness from my pants leg, I went in search of the pruning shears.  I was going to teach that blackberry bush a lesson.  It needed to stay within the confines of its planter!

How often are we caught by the prickliness of something or someone who we simply wish would stay within their own boundaries?  That person whose opinions are different from ours?  That person who always seems to bring up the very subject we don’t want to talk about any more?  That person whose words have drawn blood from our spirits or emotions?

Throughout our recent assigned Scripture readings during this past month, Jesus has spoken words that have been hard to hear.  So have the prophets.  We have been called to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.  We have been reminded that those who are blessed are not the ones we think are blessed.  The hard reality is that God desires our service to the hungry and the poor more than God desires our carefully crafted traditions. We are called to choose life.  We are called to forgive those who have hurt us.  We are called to love our enemies.

These are hard words from Jesus and the prophets.  They sting.  They reach out and grab us by our pants legs until we pay attention.  Like the blackberry bushes, the words of Jesus resist the boundaries we try to place on them and venture out with abandon into the world.  And eventually, in good time, they yield fruits of the spirit that are sweet to our souls.

This is the season and the time of Lent in the church.  As I have often said, I rarely give up things like chocolate or coffee because it would only serve to make me cranky.  But this season I’m going to make a renewed effort to watch for places where the love of God in Jesus is putting forth new growth in the world.  I’ll just bet I’ll find some unexpected places in the process.

I invite you, as your pastor, to keep a holy Lent, in part through our mid week soup suppers and worship services.  We will gather for our meal at 6:00 and worship together at approximately 6:45.  Our neighbors from Broadview UCC will join us.

See you in church!

Pastor Julie+