The Messenger – April 2015

The Messenger – April 2015

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The Messenger – April 2015

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There is a greeting common to southern Germany and Austria which I first learned on a visit to Garmish, Germany in 2013.  The saying is “Gruss Gott” and it means, “May God greet you.”  It is spoken most often as a greeting, although in former centuries was also a word spoken at parting.

As Bruce and I wandered in and around this lovely town in southern Germany, we were greeted over and over with it: Gruss Gott!

What I love about this greeting is that it also serves as a blessing in addition to serving as a greeting.  In all that you do this day and in all that you experience….may God greet you.

Of course, sometimes being greeted by God can feel unexpected and disconcerting.  I think this must have been what it was like for Mary of Magdala when Jesus greeted her in the garden outside of the tomb, where just hour before he had lain.  Mary had merely gone to the tomb to anoint the body of the teacher she so loved.  It was both an act that was expected of her and an act that was born entirely of love and devotion.   Finding his body missing, she was overcome by grief.  Someone had taken his body.  And so when she encountered him in the garden, she did not recognize him until he called her by name.  Until he greeted her, personally.

At that very instant, what could have been one of the worst moments of her life became transformed by a greeting from Jesus, who is God-with-us, God-crucified-and-risen.

As we prepare to celebrate the Feast of the Resurrection and the entire 50 days of the Easter season, this greeting/blessing is also my wish for you, beloved community of faith at Luther Memorial.  In every step along every journey, May God greet you.
