The Messenger – September 2014

The Messenger – September 2014

Pages from LMLC Messenger September 2014PJ’s Page –

There are lots of mysteries in life, but the one I’m currently pondering is this:  “Who ARE the LOVE NINJA’s?”  On my first Sunday back since returning from my grandmother’s funeral in Illinois, I found heart shaped notes of love in the pulpit and on the missal stand on the altar!  “God is Always With You” one reminded me!  “You are Never Alone” said the other.  Both were signed “The Love Ninja’s”  I was then told that similar notes were sticking out of hymnals and tucked into the pew racks.  So, during the Children’s Time, we talked about how a word of love and encouragement is a sign from God.  A reminder of God’s constant presence with us.  We also told the “tall kids” in the pews that there might be notes in their hymnals.  RIGHT then and there, folks began to leaf through their hymnals!  And each time someone found a note from the Love Ninjas their faces LIT UP and they beamed with delight.  Love does spread, just like light.

As people shook my hand leaving worship, more than a few told me how meaningful it was to them to find those notes.  Some were taking them home to put on their refrigerators or mirrors.  One person was going to keep it in her car to look at on her drive to work each day.  Another was taking his with him to hide as a surprise for someone else.

The next day I got a text message from one of our precious older members.  (Yes, folks of ALL ages should learn to text; in case of emergencies it’s much more reliable than a phone signal might be.)  Her text said: “This is the love ninja wishing you a wondrous day.”  What a gift that was!  I smiled all afternoon!

A part of our call as disciples and followers of Christ is to share the light and love of Christ with a world in pain.  The pain in the world is sometimes very evident:  racial tensions, violence, intolerance, war – they remind us on the news each day of the world’s pain.  There are other painful situations, too, of course:  unexpected diagnoses, the loss of a job, a broken relationship of any kind.  And then there are those pains that sit under the surface.  We think we have them under control, but really we’ve just pushed them down for a time.  Like a granddaughter who was extraordinarily blessed to have her grandmother for 54 years and yet still grieves her loss.  Even those just-beneath-the-surface losses need a word of love.

I still don’t know who the Love Ninjas are (although I have my suspicions), but I do know this….I am thankful for them!  People of God…GO FORTH INTO THE WORLD!  BE LOVE NINJAS!
