The Messenger – September 2015

The Messenger – September 2015

Pages from LMLC Messenger September 2015
September 2015 Messenger

PJ’s Page –

From time to time this message will pop up on my cell phone:  “Re-establishing Lost Connection.”  Of course, what that means for my cell phone is that it is searching for and re-connecting to a WIFI network to which it has previously been connected.


At this time of year, after a summer of vacationing or summer break or just being home from school, we often re-establish lost connections in our lives.  The kids return to school, vacations (usually) end, and even the weather takes on a different hue.


The same is true in the life of a congregation.  During the summer we have different patterns: there is no Sunday School, some committees take a break from meeting, and due to smaller crowds in worship, we at LMLC have been a little cozier thanks to our ‘summer seating.’


This month, our program year activities will resume.  On September 13th we’ll celebrate Luther Launch Sunday with many special events (read about them elsewhere in this newsletter), including the first annual Tom Smith Memorial Paper Airplane Launch at 9:30-ish in the Sanctuary.  Following a festive worship service there will be a celebratory lunch prepared by Gordon Trombley.  (Yes, there is a certain Seattle football team playing on TV at 10am.  One word from your pastor:  TIVO)

On September 20th the choir will be back in worship!  I have missed their leadership and their beautiful music and will be so glad to welcome them back.


Perhaps another lost connection we might tend to this month is our connection to God.  It’s an old, but true saying that if we don’t feel God’s presence in our lives it’s not because God has left us.  Sometimes it just means that we need to re-establish that lost connection with the One who loves us beyond our capacity to even imagine.


Fall is in the air and there are many ways to re-establish lost connections in the life of this community of faith!  I hope you’ll jump in and do so!


Actively Sharing Christ’s love in Community,
